Susan Sarandon Plastic Surgery Before & After
Susan Sarandon surely has a long career in the entertainment business. As a professional actress, she has been on TV and movies since 1969. This has become the reason why people quite familiar when her name is mentioned. She also have an active role in progressive and left liberal political activity. This set her to appear in the media for different headline. You may find her in the casual movie part or simply take her taking word on more serious issues. Her reputation is not set in the US. In 1999 she was UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. Her political view also sets her on the Iraq invasion pro con in 2003.
Susan Sarandon Stance on Plastic Surgery
Whether you are just a casual movie lover or another political advocate, Susan Sarandon appearance may give a fresh value. In her 60’s youthfulness is hers perfectly. This set the speculation for possible Susan Sarandon plastic surgery. In “Larry King Now”, she simply said that something is sucked on her neck 10 years ago but she fears the injection. As the follow up, she thanks her makeup artist and the lighting support. She even promotes the no smoking habit afterward. Her natural response is actually showing her stance on plastic surgery. She already had a potentially neck job, but still taking no Botox injection so far.
Careful Plastic Surgery Truly Works
It is interesting that despite the vague confession, Sarandon actually tells the media that she already have liposuction on her chin and under her eyes. Despite of the clear confirmation, she still takes her stance not to have Botox injection. She believes that her two frown lines in her forehead are not subject to be eliminated. Another confirmed procedure that she had is the breast lift. But she takes the attitude as higher importance in sexuality value. Her perfect youthfulness is another proof that careful plastic surgery really works to battle against aging.